
Monday 10 October 2011

I'm still here

I have been a little absent.
We have been in the midst of school holidays here. triple j heads back to school today (she's now had 2 weeks holidays) - while eky and goob still have a week to go.
Last week was the cross-over week and we've been spending loads of time together - just being a family.
It's been really nice. (even mr w. and I had a break from uni and work - super nice!)
We also visited questacon here in Canberra - which was heaps of fun. If you have never been - make sure you add it to your list of things to do in Canberra if you ever head down this way. It's a hoot!!

In other very exciting news - this started over the weekend.....

3 undercoats of white over my dark dark blue bedroom walls!
YES - we're finally brightening up our main bedroom - and I'm so so so so happy to be doing so.
Here's a reminder of what we've had for the last I-don't-know-how-long.....

We originally wanted a dark cave effect - but I think it ended up depressing my entire being!!

We're going white and bright - and I couldn't be happier.

Promise to post photos when it's all done. Final coats will hopefully go on today - yes - I can hear the swish of the paintbrush just starting as I type!!
It's another public holiday down here for those that work and go to school in Canberra - poor triple j goes to school over the border in NSW!! (however she's happy to be showing off her new pierced ears - and she has b'day cupcakes to share at school!)

Hope all is well in your world.
hugz from here.
cheryl xox.


  1. Questacon is on my to do list so thanks for the reminder. Looking forward to seeing your light and bright bedroom shots.

  2. white and bright...i totally agree. although your before pic looks rather lovely too. but white and bright, yes please.

    ps. thank you for your kinds words.

  3. That's really interesting that you found the dark blue depressing. But white, just in time for spring, will certainly bounce the light around the room and that is a great thing.

    I have to say though, that I do love the before image! It looks very cosy.

    Love Questacon! Have spent many happy hours in there with very happy kids.


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.