
Wednesday 12 October 2011

main bedroom - sneak peek

We spent our first night back in our own bed last night - * bliss * - after bed hopping between the kids beds and the lounges for 3 nights.
We do have a pull out sofa bed in the office, but that was just all too much work!!!

After 3 coats of undercoat and 2 coats of topcoat - here's a little look at how our main bedroom looks this morning.....

ahhhh - so nice!!!
That is just fabric folded over our duna/quilt at the end of the bed. I've had the fabric for a very very long time - waiting for the right moment to come out and show itself!
It will be made into a duna cover sometime this week.
I love how it looks in the room - and thankfully mr w. loves it too. (I was worried he might think it a little too girly - but no - he thinks it all looks great - nice!)

There will also be 2 pillow covers made out of the same fabric - and a long scatter cushion (similar style to the one made for goob here) made out of my huge stash of red fabrics.

On the other side of the room - we have a cabinet that needs painting - and eventually we'll get a comfortable chair.
I need to work on some curtains - and some artwork - painting various picture frames - it's all moving forward slowly but surely.
mr w. is the main room painter (job well done!) - while I work on all the other bits and pieces. Great teamwork really!!
We're absolutely loving the open and airy feel of our new room! (We've been in this house since 2003 - but the room feels bright and new now!)

Ultimately - new carpet would also be our dream - but that's way off the cards for now - so dreary blue it must stay.

Here's a quick before and after -

Posts may be a little slow around here for awhile. I know - sad - I'll miss you all too!!
I have loads of uni work I really need to sink my teeth into - plus I go on 3 weeks prac in a local primary school next week.

Wish me luck.
This time next year I should be all completed and be a real life qualified teacher!

Hugz from here.
cheryl xox.

Linking here.....


  1. Oh love red & white, the Euro theme is a hit. I just changed our bedroom around a little, i honestly loathe this Army house, it's so NOT me. Anyway, we're more masculine here, there is enough pretty & girlie elsewhere, so i love it, i often say to my husband "if we pretend we don't have 4 children, this can be your bachelor pad" he he. Only, sadly, he does have an actual bachelor pad, in Brisbane, & we visit him, with all the children. Oh well, love Posie

  2. It looks lovely Cheryl. A few weeks ago I painted our bedroom and I had to pull the bed into the centre of the room so I could get to all the walls. It felt really strange sleeping like that and I was very happy when the painting was finished and the bed back in its place. Enjoy your lighter, brighter room.
    Kylie x

  3. best of luck next week...your going to love it. the room looks amazing. x.

  4. Hello from WA! I am new to your site and I LOVE the fabric at the end of your bed. I bought a small piece from Spotlight and made some scatter cushions from it, but I would love to do a quilt one day. Good luck with your prac. I teach year 2 and I find it very rewarding (mostly!). I would love it if we could keep in touch. God bless x

  5. Love your lighter brighter room. Those bedside lights are very cute too. xx

  6. Looks fantastic. A coat of paint makes such a difference to how a room feels, doesn't it? I love those red cushions - such a perfect, deep shade of red.

    Thanks for popping by the Fibro today.

  7. How fun to be a first time visitor when you do a big reveal of your bedroom! It looks fabulous - the lighter paint has brightened the whole place up beautifully. I wish I could just whip up a doona cover this week! Clever clog.

    Thanks for visiting me via Sister A today. x

  8. I'm glad your husband likes it. I don't think it looks to girly. I think it's a good mix of masculine and feminine colors.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.