
Tuesday 5 July 2011

more making and rearranging

have been busy these last few weeks - in between lurgy sickness and general house-hold happenings.
more handmade goodies and rearrangements for the loungeroom.
remember these.... (which i made and posted about here)

 i moved them into here.....


and remember this little white mirror .... (in the background there with the wreath) .....

it got a little paint job and a move (painted yellow then rubbed back a little with sandpaper) .....

and i wanted to make something - so did a little fossicking in our garage and came up with this (this is still the prototype - i'm thinking of mounting the letters onto wood - for now it's all on scrappy cardboard!!) ....

hand bent scrap metal pieces / wire / cardboard !!
and this is where it currently lives ..... for now .....

so many projects going on at once over here! my head is buzzing and i'm not getting much sleep - but i'm loving the changes to our house - and i love that i've once again found my creative-ness which has been a little dormant for the last few years.

i think that i really would like to get full-on into creating - and eventually selling bits - but for now i want to get my home looking a little better - and of course everytime i come up with a new 'something' - my girls squeal and say they want one for themselves!!!!

oh - almost forgot ..... i also got my hands on some more wooly goodness .....

it's a bobbly alpaca wool blend (48% polyacrilyc / 30% alpaca / 15% wool / 5% polymide) - and a little unusual to use - but it has a lovely feel and a hint of that wooly smell which i love.
i've never used such bobbly wool - cause i don't knit much (until i made this wee creation last month - my little yellow knit pillow - which i posted about here) ...

but i've decided to go bigger - and make a warm wooly throw for the loungeroom - and it's started to take shape like this .....

definately a project that will take more time - but i'm loving sitting with the family in the evening - plugging away at this one - making it up as i go along.
the girls love to have a say about where they think each next peice should go!
i'm also going to need a lot more wool!!!!!

so that's all the latest from house-o-nefotlak today.
i need to get out for some more undercoat for the bedrooms (to cover up frightful past paint jobs - done by us!!!!) - and grab some more grey paint for the dining room - as we've almost - yes almost - removed all the stuff that i photographed here .....

i still dream of a time when that blue wall will be gone!!
i know - incredibly scarey photo - but at this exact moment that white cabinet (in the front) and all those boxes are gone to new homes (in other rooms) - and we can see half of the table!!! (it's been hidden for ages - so there is great excitement in the air!!!!)

i'll leave you with this - cause it's much more pretty!!! .....

hope you're having a great day!
cheryl xox.


  1. You're very clever aren't you Cheryl! You have been busy and I just love how your grey throw is shaping up! Nicolex

  2. i really like the love sign its great xxx

  3. You should get into knitting It's actually a lot of fun. I've made my friends mittens and scarfs. It's really helpful to handle stress. At least that's what I've found.

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thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.