
Tuesday 26 July 2011

goob's room - place of birth heart map

edited this post 13Aug to add a better daylight photo of this pic..... (this whole project was originally completed and blogged about in one night of crafty fun!!).....


as mentioned in yesterday's post here - i'm starting to put together pieces for goob's room upgrade.
today i made this.......

i've seen similar pics made for places you've lived etc on pinterest and around the web - so i decided to make one for goob - of the hospital where we finally met!! (all those 15 years ago!!!)

note: this concept is not mine - but i won't put direct links to any i've seen as some have received a load of flack from a paticular source regarding this. google 'map hearts' and you'll find peeps who make them for places you want (for you to buy) if you don't have your own on-hand maps and/or you don't want to make one of your own.

the steps as shown in the photo collage above........left to right from top.....

1. grab a cheap frame (this one was $2.10 / already painted white (with glass) from sam's warehouse - perfect!) - i may rub it back with a sander if i decide to bother!!

2. sneak into the car for your ubd (that's a map book for those not in the know!) - then search out and pull the needed page out. with google maps and our tom tom - i've decided that our dear little map book is no longer needed!!
(i'll upcycle it one page at a time - just you wait and see!!!)

3. freehand draw a heart on the piece of paper from inside the frame (then you know it's the right size) - and cut it out.

4. place that cutout over the place you want shown on your heart map - trace around the heart - and carefully cut out.

i then stuck that heart map to a piece of white card that fit back into the frame. (i used doubled sided scrappbooking tape to adhere the heart map to the card)

simple hey!!!

now onto the next item for her room......
i'll be back!

oh - and i'm trying this link up thingy (yeah - i'm new to this linky bloggy thing!!) - over at the lovely Beth's blog Home Storie A 2 Z with her - Tutorials & Tips Tuesday Link Party
- do check out her blog - it's fabulous!!

edited to add:  that i'm also linking up with the lovely Kristin at Tuesday's Treasures - (love love love this blog)

p.s. thanks heaps for the comments on my last post - and especially to Nat @ Dear Little House - i have been concerned about the room looking too cold (with blue, grey and white) - and have now started to look more closely for a warm neutral colour for the main paint - i'll keep you posted. there are so many to choose from (eek!) - but i think i've narrowed it down.
i really appreciate the comment - thank you.

cheryl xox. 


  1. Yes! This would be a great piece for me to add to my gallery wall that I posted about at A to Z. Thanks!

  2. Cute idea...I have never seen this idea so this is new and clever to me!

  3. aww, super cute. i love seeing maps in decor.

    interested in some stickers? follow for a chance to win.

  4. two of my very favorite things - hearts and maps. can't go wrong with both ~ it's adorable!

  5. I love how you always use maps in your art. I never thought maps could be put into something to make it more artistic.

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thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.