
Tuesday 26 July 2011

goob's room - makeover of a new lamp

another inexpensive purchase from sam's warehouse yesterday for goob's room (see here for the start of this room adventure!!).

side note: it's funny - that shop is so full of crap - but since blogging and on a mega budget - my eye is keener than ever for those little somethings that can be made into a major something......

behold the $19.97 lamp.....(it came new in a box!).....

certainly nothing special looking (although not too bad if you actually want a basic black and white lamp!). the base is ceremic and the switch is on the chord.

while at spotlight (also yesterday!) i eyed me some of this magic stuff (although i didn't realise just how magic until today). cost $10.95......

silver leaf - rub 'n buff
it states on the rear that you rub it on with your finger - wait till dry - then gently buff up with a soft cloth.
sounded simple to me - i was very willing to take the plunge!!

here's half way through.....

and finally here's the finished lamp in all it's glory with a little fabric added to the shade - just as the goob requested. (we are working together on this room - she's 15 and taller than me - so i'd better let her have some say as it's her room!!!!).....

for the fabric tie - i just cut a notch in the fabric - and tore the strip (for that rustic ripped affect) - and tied it on with a knot.
(there is currently a little pin in place at the rear just to hold a pleat in the fabric to hold it tight - as this shade tapers in a little)
the great thing about the added fabric - it's a no sew and no glue fix - and easily changed if a colour change is requested.

the goob is very happy - i am thrilled!!
i love the rub 'n buff silver - the effect looks amazing and this lamp will look so so so pretty in her room.

a couple of things regarding the rub 'n buff silvering - 
1. there is loads left in the tube - so my eye has already been scanning the house for more bits to be made pretties!!
2. using my finger meant that i didn't have to wash up any brushes - it washed off easily with soap from my finger - but for brushes i believe you need something stronger - ie turps.
3. it is quite strong smelling - use in a well ventilated area.
4. play around a little with it to get the right coverage for you. going straight on a glossy ceramic like this meant that i had to be careful with the application as it rubbed off if i wasn't careful. i could have undercoated the lamp first perhaps - but i like quick makeovers - it's how i roll!!!!
5. i may use a spray or paint on clear coat to finish it off and ensure that the silver doesn't rub off further. the instructions didn't call for this - i'll see how it holds up. (and post again another day if i decide that a top clear coat is needed)

here's some more photos - 'cuz i know you want some.....
and what crafty/diy blog would be complete without the all important before and after shot ?! .....

so - what do you think?? has anyone else used this or a similar product??

i'm again linking this post up to Beth forTutorials & Tips Tuesday Link Party
- do check out her blog - it's fabulous!!

my last post was also linked up today - it's here - for those that really don't want to scroll!

edited to add:  that i'm also linking up with the lovely Kristin at Tuesday's Treasures - (love love love this blog)

thanks for dropping in - hope things a great in your part of the world.
cheryl xox.


  1. It looks great! Love to see photos of the room once it is all done!!! x

  2. Beautiful! I love that transformation and need to buy the rub 'n buff ASAP! I am a new follower via Kristin's site :)

  3. great job! I love the updated look and thanks for the tip on tying the fabric on a tapered shade!

  4. Cheryl
    I can't tell you the number of times I've picked up a bargain at Sam's but you never actually want to admit it! The lovely iron keys I showed in my Sale Finds post last week for $3 - from Sams ... shhhh! It's our secret ok?
    I also bought the same frames as you used for the heart map, but mine are silver so I have to paint them white. Wish I'd found them already in white!

  5. Lucky Goob! What a lovely project to work on Cheryl. Imagine having a mum updating your room!

  6. I never thought of a fabric tie for a lamp before. I'm guess I'm always careful not to put anything near the bulb. In this case though it's pretty safe. It really gives the lamp extra beauty. I'm going to try this now. I love how you always give me such good ideas for things I can do in my house to make it more beautiful.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.