
Saturday 30 July 2011

goob's room - tissue paper flowers

i have seen similar on pinterest and on the web - however it was a very recent post by the lovely shannon from the blog burlap and lace that spurred me on to grab some branches from our wintery birch trees and put some tissue paper flower love into goob's room makeover.
(do go visit shannon if you get the chance - she's nutty about pinterest too -aren't we all??!! - i love the girl!!!)

here's the inspiration - shannon's lovely flowers.....
link to this pic and post - here
shannon has shown a wonderful 'how to' on her blog - and i really couldn't add to it - it's great.
(click on that link shown below her photo for the low down)

goob used her veto power on the pink (she has an aversion to anything pink - i swear) - so we went with white tissue paper instead. 
goob also told me when to stop (ie she didn't want too many flowers) and had a little too much input on flower placement for my liking (she's really getting a little pushy that girl....!) - even though i was the one gasping in pain from hot glue gun burns.....!!

anyhoo - here's some pics for your viewing pleasure.....(all the pics get bigger if you click on them!!)
 i grabbed some white tissue paper - cut it into strips then cut again into little rectangles - then started twisting away.

with my kitchen scissors i then popped outside and cut some birch branches and then arranged into a vase (goob already had a lovely vase in her room).
with my glue gun - i dabbed some glue onto the branch then sqished the flower in with the glue onto the branch. (hence the sometimes hot glue burn feeling - ouch! - be careful with this step!)
it's a little hard to see on the kitchen bench pic above  - but do go to shannon's blog if you need any further explanation - it's good - i promise!

i then took the arrangement into our loungeroom for a photo shoot (?!) - as it looked better against the light grey walls......

and below - here is where it sits in goob's room - (it may move around - as her room is in the middle of a huge makeover - but it does look really good here for now.....).....

and the goob is once again happy - and all is well with our world!!!
(i'm being very cheeky - the goob and i get on very well - especially for a 15yr old - and it's fun to be working with her on this room)

thank you shannon for the great inspiration. you may not have come up with the original idea - but your post came at just the right time for me - and that's what this blogging is all about - yes??

another thing what's next......... (??)
hugz from me.
cheryl xox.

goob's room - turquoise bunting

i promised to post my latest creation earlier - but i've been busy being a mum and super decorator (!!) - sorry for the delay..... :)

look what i made.....
click on photo for a larger view
i've never made bunting before - but have always wanted to - plus goob really wanted some in her room makeover - so i thought - heck - let's do this!!

so - i just winged it.
here's what i did.....

gathering supplies
gather together -
1. fabric
2. some kind of flat chord (i used bias binding - as i thought it would all finish off differently to how it did - but i would probably try to get some kind of flat chord next time)
3. make up a template on some cardboard for the size of bunting flag you want (that's the triangle in the picture) - if someone wants my measurements - by all means let me know
4. a quilter's pencil or tailors chalk (something you can see - but not too dark)
5. pinking sheers scissors
6. normal fabric scissors (not shown in pic)
7. sewing machine with matching thread - i had white thread (neither machine nor thread shown in pic)

method above - left to right:
1. on the back (wrong side) of the fabric - trace around the template
2. turn around the template and but up next to the previous triangle (to save on fabric wastage) - then trace around again
3. trace off as many as you require (you'll see in the pic above - click on it to see a larger view if required - the long sides of the triangle link - and the short side is always at the top or bottom)

method above- left to right:
1. on the long sides of the triangle - cut along the middle of the line with the pinking sheers (don't worry about the marked line too much - it will be at the back of the bunting)
2. on the top edge i used the normal scissors to cut the line
3. repeat this process for all your fabrics that you wish to use

i don't have photos for the actual sewing part - bad blogger i am!! (and i didn't want to sew my finger into the bunting while attempting to hold a camera and sew at the same time...)
me - i held each triangle to my chord (bias binding) and sewed them together using a zig zag stitch - grabbing another as soon as each finished (i'm lazy and can't be bothered pinning - but you could do that if you want to be sure of your spacing etc....)
the tension on my maching was perhaps a tad too tight - and the zig zag wasn't as flat as i would have liked - but hey - i'm trying not to be a prefectionist here - or i'll never get things finished....

here's a back and front of the sewn product - (beware - it's a little rough - but once it's up on the wall - noone but you and me will ever know - shhhhhhhhh!).....

method above - left to right:
1. the back side
2. the front side

and here's the jumbled mess when i finished sewing.....
note: i ran out of thread on my bobbin literally 5 cms from the end - yes - i swore.......

pretties - yes?!?!?!
i grabbed some push pins and strung that baby up on goob's wall (note the walls are still just undercoat - we're still deciding on the final colour).....

now - i should perhaps have mentioned at the start that you should probably measure the wall you want to cover - and maybe work out how many flags you want, what spacings and how long the chord should be - etc etc etc.....

me - i just made it as long as the bias binding was in the packet - and i already cut out 6 triangles in each fabric - so had plenty with leftovers (i'm using them for something else in the room - come back some time and i'll show off that one too.....when i get to it......!!)

when i put this baby up on the wall - it fit exactly. i kid you not!!! the sewing gods were shining on me - perhaps to apease for the bobbin thingy......
anyhoo - for now it's just on one wall - and we'll see how the decorating goes to see if we need more. i don't want to go all overkill on the bunting now i've mastered this wee art!!!!

on another note - i mentioned in my last post that i was perhaps not happy with this creation.
at first i wasn't sure if it was enough for the room - so i had to experiment some more.
here's some of what went on.....

click on the pic for an enlarged view
i played around with some hessian (i think in the u.s. they call it 'burlap' maybe?!?!) - thought it all might need some beefing up.
the additional bits were pinned up to have a look and feel of a possible change - but i was outvoted by the entire family - and the normal bunting now stands (or hangs!!!).

so there will be no more posts regarding this creation. we're done!!

and here it is again - cause i'm happy with it too now.....

i'm really liking it more and more when i see it - and it's looking so good as we add to the room - with the fixing and painting and making of things in goob's room.
this room makeover is coming along so well.
(blogging makes me want to finish it quicker than ever and share what's going on - so it's been a great incentive to get things done)

what do you think?? - you like??? (it's really too bad if you don't - as the family have voted - and it's apparently staying as is....)

back tomorrow with some more bits of the room.....
hope you're having a great weekend.
cheryl xox.

i'll be linking up to some lovely bloggy parties next week with this one - and i'll put their links and logos here....


Thursday 28 July 2011

super frosty morning

frost on a weed in my front lawn - 28 july 2011
awoke to a frost covered lawn this morning - i believe it got to at least minus 6 degrees c last night.
it looked pretty but!!
and thankfully it was a clear morning (hence the frost of course) - and the sun has been shining beautifully all day. (he's hoping for warmer weather - it's been a very very cold winter)

have once again been super busy with decorating makings for goob's room - and have nearly finished another 'item' - except it didn't look as good as i thought - so - in usual me-style - i've been making some upgrades already!!
so the next project will be in 2 posts - and i'll post the first part tonight when i get time to uplaod the pics and instructions etc.

our poor neighbours have been in hospital again overnight - this time with the little one (9 months old) on oxygen (bronchilitis - hope that is spelled right?!?!) - and the mum catching gastro at the same time. (poor things)
so this morning i've been running around a little to deliver the other child to day care; deliver supplies to the husband in hospital and gastro medication pick-up from the chemist to their home!!!
it's been an interesting morning!
bestest news - bub and dad are checking out for home this afternoon. nice.

i now have to pick up my youngest from netball practice at school - and the madness of evenings-house-o-nefotlak can begin.
roll on friday and the weekend i say!!!

hope things are well in your part of the world.
cheryl xox.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

goob's room - makeover of a new lamp

another inexpensive purchase from sam's warehouse yesterday for goob's room (see here for the start of this room adventure!!).

side note: it's funny - that shop is so full of crap - but since blogging and on a mega budget - my eye is keener than ever for those little somethings that can be made into a major something......

behold the $19.97 lamp.....(it came new in a box!).....

certainly nothing special looking (although not too bad if you actually want a basic black and white lamp!). the base is ceremic and the switch is on the chord.

while at spotlight (also yesterday!) i eyed me some of this magic stuff (although i didn't realise just how magic until today). cost $10.95......

silver leaf - rub 'n buff
it states on the rear that you rub it on with your finger - wait till dry - then gently buff up with a soft cloth.
sounded simple to me - i was very willing to take the plunge!!

here's half way through.....

and finally here's the finished lamp in all it's glory with a little fabric added to the shade - just as the goob requested. (we are working together on this room - she's 15 and taller than me - so i'd better let her have some say as it's her room!!!!).....

for the fabric tie - i just cut a notch in the fabric - and tore the strip (for that rustic ripped affect) - and tied it on with a knot.
(there is currently a little pin in place at the rear just to hold a pleat in the fabric to hold it tight - as this shade tapers in a little)
the great thing about the added fabric - it's a no sew and no glue fix - and easily changed if a colour change is requested.

the goob is very happy - i am thrilled!!
i love the rub 'n buff silver - the effect looks amazing and this lamp will look so so so pretty in her room.

a couple of things regarding the rub 'n buff silvering - 
1. there is loads left in the tube - so my eye has already been scanning the house for more bits to be made pretties!!
2. using my finger meant that i didn't have to wash up any brushes - it washed off easily with soap from my finger - but for brushes i believe you need something stronger - ie turps.
3. it is quite strong smelling - use in a well ventilated area.
4. play around a little with it to get the right coverage for you. going straight on a glossy ceramic like this meant that i had to be careful with the application as it rubbed off if i wasn't careful. i could have undercoated the lamp first perhaps - but i like quick makeovers - it's how i roll!!!!
5. i may use a spray or paint on clear coat to finish it off and ensure that the silver doesn't rub off further. the instructions didn't call for this - i'll see how it holds up. (and post again another day if i decide that a top clear coat is needed)

here's some more photos - 'cuz i know you want some.....
and what crafty/diy blog would be complete without the all important before and after shot ?! .....

so - what do you think?? has anyone else used this or a similar product??

i'm again linking this post up to Beth forTutorials & Tips Tuesday Link Party
- do check out her blog - it's fabulous!!

my last post was also linked up today - it's here - for those that really don't want to scroll!

edited to add:  that i'm also linking up with the lovely Kristin at Tuesday's Treasures - (love love love this blog)

thanks for dropping in - hope things a great in your part of the world.
cheryl xox.

goob's room - place of birth heart map

edited this post 13Aug to add a better daylight photo of this pic..... (this whole project was originally completed and blogged about in one night of crafty fun!!).....


as mentioned in yesterday's post here - i'm starting to put together pieces for goob's room upgrade.
today i made this.......

i've seen similar pics made for places you've lived etc on pinterest and around the web - so i decided to make one for goob - of the hospital where we finally met!! (all those 15 years ago!!!)

note: this concept is not mine - but i won't put direct links to any i've seen as some have received a load of flack from a paticular source regarding this. google 'map hearts' and you'll find peeps who make them for places you want (for you to buy) if you don't have your own on-hand maps and/or you don't want to make one of your own.

the steps as shown in the photo collage above........left to right from top.....

1. grab a cheap frame (this one was $2.10 / already painted white (with glass) from sam's warehouse - perfect!) - i may rub it back with a sander if i decide to bother!!

2. sneak into the car for your ubd (that's a map book for those not in the know!) - then search out and pull the needed page out. with google maps and our tom tom - i've decided that our dear little map book is no longer needed!!
(i'll upcycle it one page at a time - just you wait and see!!!)

3. freehand draw a heart on the piece of paper from inside the frame (then you know it's the right size) - and cut it out.

4. place that cutout over the place you want shown on your heart map - trace around the heart - and carefully cut out.

i then stuck that heart map to a piece of white card that fit back into the frame. (i used doubled sided scrappbooking tape to adhere the heart map to the card)

simple hey!!!

now onto the next item for her room......
i'll be back!

oh - and i'm trying this link up thingy (yeah - i'm new to this linky bloggy thing!!) - over at the lovely Beth's blog Home Storie A 2 Z with her - Tutorials & Tips Tuesday Link Party
- do check out her blog - it's fabulous!!

edited to add:  that i'm also linking up with the lovely Kristin at Tuesday's Treasures - (love love love this blog)

p.s. thanks heaps for the comments on my last post - and especially to Nat @ Dear Little House - i have been concerned about the room looking too cold (with blue, grey and white) - and have now started to look more closely for a warm neutral colour for the main paint - i'll keep you posted. there are so many to choose from (eek!) - but i think i've narrowed it down.
i really appreciate the comment - thank you.

cheryl xox. 

Monday 25 July 2011

goob's room - the upgrade has really started

we're in the process of doing up the girls rooms - starting with goob's room first.

the painting of the white undercoat is nearly all done (it took 3 coats as there was loads of light and dark blue on the walls previously - scroll to the bottom for a peak at the 'before' that we're dealing with......)

we've got almost all the furniture collected now - this has been happening over the last 18 months (including one nightmare trip to ikea between christmas 2009 and new year 2010 - a trip we'll never forget!!! - absolute madness it was!!) - but we're now finally getting the painting and decorating done.

for the moment we're going to decorate it over just the undercoat - that is - we haven't decided on the top coat colour yet.
yeah - eek!!!
we're leaning towards either white (and there is so many to choose from.....) or a very light grey.
all her furniture is now white.
so we'll put it together with just the undercoat - see if we're liking the white look and choose a white top coat - or if it's not working - choose a grey.
confused yet?? - my family is - i keep changing my mind!!
her room is south facing (no direct sun) - and she now has a double bed (she's almost 6 foot tall!) - so the room is pretty full - however we're trying to play down that full feeling!?!?!

i can confirm that the main 'ping' colour is blue. she's always been a blue girl - that didn't change!
but this time there will be bits of it around the room - bunting, paper pom poms, folded quilt at the end of the bed, a little on the curtains, scatter cushion or two - nothing over the top.
here's the fabrics we picked together on the weekend - light blue and white - with a couple of grey and white ones too.

they're ready for me to wash now - and i hope to start 'making' with the stash tomorrow.

i made a trip to sam's warehouse (cheap discount store) and spotlight to pick up some inexpensive bits and pieces to help with the room transformation.
over the next wee while i'll post about what i've made and how we're going.
fingers crossed it won't take too long.

oh - and here's a peek at the before.......

photo taken 2005
photo taken 2005
yes - lots and lots of blue!!!

cheryl xox.

harry potter love

we did it - we saw it - we loved it!!! (in 3d)
all photos from here
it was absolutely amazing / fantastic / frightening / sad / exhilarating / suprising / such a great ending !!!
the minute it finished we looked at each other and said - "i want to see that again!!"
lucky i had goob and eky sitting either side of me - i had clinging/squeezing hands for many parts of the movie - and we all shed a tear during various parts!
a fantastic end to an amazing series.
j.k.rowling - you are a very clever lady!!
just had to leave you with this - it's an oldie - but such a goodie - and the kids and i sing it often when we're in a silly harry potter mood.....

here's to a great week ahead - all kids back to school today - phew!!!
cheryl xox.

Friday 22 July 2011

pretties - yellow glass jars

after seeing a few tutorials around on pinterest and the web - i decided to give this coloured glass process a wee try.

these were two of the many inspirations - and they both had great tutorials to follow.......
 now - let me start by saying - 1. i'm no expert on mod podge - in fact i'm a complete novice - i have some (i found it at spotlight) - but i'm not sure if it was the right one for the job (there are many varieties of mod podge just to make matters more confusing) - but i thought i'd give it a go. - 2. i rush at things - i want to see results fast!!! - hence sometimes things don't work out as planned!!!

anyhoo - here's how my experiment went today...

ingredients - clean glass jars, mod podge, water and yellow food colouring - plus oven on 150 degrees c
clean clear glass jar - the "before"
this is the "during" - mod podge mixed with water and food colouring - swirled around jar
this is the "after" - after 20 minutes in the oven - yes - different jar - but this one worked out the best!!
these are all the jars i worked with - the three larger jars i tried a second coat - and it failed!! lucky this stuff washed off - they're all clean and ready for a second try!!
it doesn't look quite this yellow in real life - but i think it worked out pretty well all the same.
so - that's been my experimentation for the day.
check out those blogs above for their instructions and amounts to use - i just winged it - i think i'll use less water next time.

i'm going to make more and use them as candle holders down the centre of our dining table in the loungeroom - promise to show pics when that's all ready to show.
the room is vastly cleaner than i showed here (scroll down - second last photo - eek!!) - and we actually managed to eat there every night when all the visitors were here last week - but there is still mess around the peripherals - and some painting to do - but it's getting there - slowly!!

that's been my fun for today.
hope things are well in your world today.
cheryl xox.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

blog neglect

apologies for my absence.
it's been a mad mad time in house-o-nefotlak - school holidays - loads of visitors - lurgies that just won't go away - you know - stuff!!!
triple j was meant to head back to school yesterday - but with all the goings on and having two big sisters still on holidays (they go to school over the border and the holidays this year are all off by one week) - she's exhausted and still home. we'll try for school tomorrow!!

here's the low-down of the last 2 weeks......

we watched our niece who travelled down from sydney to play ultimate frisbee in the uni games held here in canberra 2 weeks ago - and her team/university were the gold medal winning team.
our niece is in the middle knealing with the black visor cap.
my amazing sister (aunty l) popped down from a mild darwin to freezing canberra for a wee 10 day visit. (we haven't got together since x'mas.) much shopping (great mid year deals were found!) and coffee shop visits were had - and loads of cooking going on (she's a great cook). we were spoilt rotten. i miss her dearly already.
a family of 5 also came to visit for 5 days within that same time. very good friends who have lived in new york for the past 4 years - and now they're buying in adelaide. we'll miss them dearly - but our visits together are always loads of fun.
11 peoples in our house was a little bit of a squeeze - but we had a lot of good times.

there has been much use of lego for various creations and electronic devices for gaming pleasure!! there has also been loads of dvd watching - especially since the weather has been so so cold. we watched all 6 movies in the star wars saga - as well as a harry potter marathon in preparation for the final film.

we also managed to catch 3 new movies - mr popper's penguins, cars 2 and transformers 3 (in 3d) - and hoping to catch at least one more later in the week - harry potter of course!!

we loved all 3 - and can't wait to see mr potter for one last time!
we never usually see so many movies in one break - but there are so many good ones out this winter - and we wanted to see them on the big screen with all that sub-woofer rumble that only a cinema can provide!!

so goob and eky head back to school next monday - and i start back at uni on 15th august.
hopefully i'll get some more house stuff done in that time - some more creating - for now though i'm just trying to get this lurgy to leave my poor lungs - and get this household in to some kind of routine once more.

oh sigh!!

hope all is well in your place in this world.
cheryl. xox