
Wednesday 1 June 2011

new inspiration board

i'm back to reveal my little afternoon project that i hinted on earlier today - see post here.
(sadly eky lost her volleyball game - and then goob also lost hers - but they both had a great time!)

here's the big reveal (photos aren't great - and i'm very tired - you know - all those assignments.....)
here's the before to refresh your memory....

and now here's the after....

do you like it??? i'm so happy with the result -and it's been rushed together (as far as stuff that is on it) - but i hope you get the idea.

this project cost me nothing - we had everything here - and for once i can thank mr w. for keeping all that stuff around that sometimes i wish he'd throw out - but he doesn't and the wire worked so well here!

the original framed picture we got for free - and i probably wouldn't have done this to that picture & frame if we'd paid lots for it - but the size was perfect for the space - and it's just what took my fancy.
(i did end up breaking the glass in the process of this makeover - oops - as i was in a hurry to get it done - lucky i didn't need it for this project!!)

here's the original -

so i took the picture and the glass out of the frame - i then searched around the yard for some wire -

 then i grabbed some wire snippers and got snipping - 

and here's the wire reduced down to almost the right size -

i grabbed some other thin wire that's easier to work with and starting attaching the large wire mesh directly around the frame in various spots (ended up with three on each side and two each on the top and bottom.)
here's a close up -

3 sides were attached like this - i left the wire like this (hanging out the sides) as i don't believe it needed anything different.
1 side (bottom edge) was attached like this
 and this is the finished inspiration board (minus the inspiration bits!) back up on the wall...

that's the hook you can see - but i'm going to cover it with some inspiration!!!

and here's the board with some inspiration lovin'...

i'm so so happy with how it turned out.
i already had some mini clothes pegs from kikki.k - one of my favourite shops for various bits and pieces -  and i even hung up some small handmade toys (a car and plane) made from beer cans and bottle tops that i picked up in south africa (hanging them with some more wire). magnets also stick which is very useful!!

here's a couple of close ups -

that's the car - see pic below from another angle

this is how i see it from where i sit - i love it here instead of hidden away on a shelf!

so that was my fun this afternoon!!
the actual making only took about an hour to fiddle around with. good times!!

my last assignment is due on friday - and over the weekend i plan to work hard to get all my shelves finished - and take some new pictures during daylight hours. the latest photos showing the whole wall are in this post here and other study pics are found here.

for now - this is my new work space -

and i'm really really happy!!!  :-)
did i mention that i love my new desk top??!! well - i do!!

hope the day was kind to you too.
hugz from me.
mrs c. xox


  1. I love how the car has beer caps for wheels. That is so neat. I love how you make rooms so much more beautiful. You really are amazing at redoing them.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.