
Tuesday 15 November 2011

op art lesson

I'm back!!!
did you miss me?!?!?!
I hope that there haven't been any disasters while I've been gone?!?!

I had my last tutorial of the year at Uni today - and my last assignment went in on the weekend.
yayay - I'm finally done for the year. (and I'm just a little relieved about that I must say!!)

lots to catch up on - lots to tell - but let's get back to the art lesson I talked about in my last post - on Op Art!

here's my attempt at some Op Art -(I made this this evening to go through the steps!).....

the actual lesson went really really well. the kids were very focused, and loved all the examples I showed them of Bridget Riley's work. (in my researching - I found out that our own National Gallery here in Canberra holds 14 of Bridget's works. I'll have to pop in over the holidays to have a wee look me thinks!)

I took along a tape measure in class and explained that my little A4 copies were tiny in comparison to most of the works in real life. They ooo-ed and aaaah-ed about that - especially when the little versions played with their eyes and heads on the small scale!!

anyhoo - here's how I led them through the practical side of the intro to Op Art lesson. (the 2 lessons - for 2 separate classes - were for 1 hour each including a talk about Bridget's work and the movement of Op Art / the classes were both combined Year 5/6)

I roughly modelled the following on the white board -

step 1.
take your A5 card - write your name on one side - on the other rule a rough 1cm border in lead pencil all the way around the edge of the card. (this helped so that they wouldn't draw on the tables when the textas/markers were used later).....

step 2.
with the lead pencil - draw concentric circles out from the middle to the border lines. (I explained that they did not have to start exactly in the middle - they could start to one side - and they didn't have to be perfect).....

step 3.
with a ruler and a lead pencil - draw a vertical line through the centre circle.....

step 4.
add more vertical lines across the whole image - varying the thickness. ie make some closer together and some wider apart.....

step 5.
grab a black felt tip pen and start colouring in - carefully. start in the middle....then work your way up and down - then outwards. (white out/liquid paper works well to fix up any mistakes). biggest tip - take your time!!
(from here on in the actual lesson - I let the students run with it - and I circulated to help out here and there - lots and lots of circulating!!!).....

and here's my final pic before I used an eraser to gently rub out the pencil marks.....

if you squint your eyes and look at the pic - you should be able to see movement - ie - waves!! (Bridget Riley is far more clever than I - you don't need to squint at her pics!!! - she's very clever - her lines are meticulous - go back to this post to see again).

some more pics tonight of mine.....

and finally - here's some of the student's work from when I was on prac.....

this was a super fun lesson - I had fun - and the kids loved it. sad I couldn't expand on the lesson and get them to reflect more on what they had achieved and then look at making more Op Art - exploring it all a little more. sadly there was no time to fit such a lesson in while I was on prac. (just wait till I get my own classroom!!!!)

the entire prac was absolutely brilliant. my mentor teacher already talked to the principal about me!!! they want me back when I have my degree! (even if it's just relief work to start with) nice.

one more more more year.......

so - after having such a long break from house business and crafting - I'm raring to get back into it!!!
the in-laws arrive on Thursday for a wee 5 day visit - but other than that I'll be busy as a mad woman around this place! (are mad women busy????? maybe should have stuck with 'bumble bee' !!)

hope I still have some followers?!?! for those that are still visiting - thank you. I promise to be a little betterer with posting - at least until Christmas!! (insert huge cheeky smiley face right here!)

hugz from here.
cheryl xox.


  1. Those drawings you made are really trippy. They make dizzy when you can to see what they really look like. I love that. I love art that makes you feel more emotions then usual.

    -Zane of ontario honey

  2. This work is brilliant and so super easy to do. I will surely get my kids to do it. Thanks for the lovely lesson.

  3. I thank my Art Teacher for bringing me here! :3

  4. Love these! What ages?

  5. Great post! Good luck to you!

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. me sirvi mucho tu contenido. Thank you from Argentina.

  9. You explained that they did not have to start exactly in the middle - they could start to one side - and they didn't have to be perfect. Now it's time to avail" for more information.

  10. This was lovely thanks for sharing this


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.