
Sunday 30 October 2011

just an update

all is well in house-o-nefotlak - just thought I'd pop in for an overdue update.

teaching prac is going brilliantly - loving the school, my mentor teacher and the kids.  actually the whole school is pretty wonderful - very very lucky with this placement.

this coming week will be my last - and I'll be teaching almost full days all week. lots of planning to do - but as it's loads of flow on from last week - I'm sure all will go well.

I get to finally do some art lessons tomorrow (yay!) - and I'll be teaching 2 classes back to back with the same lesson plan.
year 5/6 are looking at energy this term - so I've planned to do a lesson on the 'Op Art' movement - specifically on the work of Bridget Riley - exploring the use of line to show movement.

here's a couple of Bridget's amazing works from the 60's..... beware - they can make your eyes hurt!!!.....

'Movement in Squares' - 1961 - Bridget Riley

'Intake' - 1964 - Bridget Riley

'Blaze 1' - 1962 - Bridget Riley

in class - we'll look at these and other examples of Bridget's work - discuss using lines to show movement and 3 dimensional shapes on 2D paper - and I'll attempt to work them through making their own Op Art pieces to display in the classroom.

when it's done - I'll be sure to take some photos of the completed display to share the fun.

in other news - my heart goes out to those Aussie families today that lost their soldier husbands/fathers/sons/brothers yesterday in Afghanistan. absolutely heart breaking. let's get all our troops home safely and soon please AUS government. our boys are doing an amazing job - but this war (which is not ours) has gone on far too long.


have a safe week everyone.
cheryl xox.


  1. Good luck Cheryl, those artworks do make my eyes hurt. I took photos of the ones at Questacon, on the spiral sloping ramp, OMG, eye popping!!
    Thanks for the kind thoughts about our soldiers too, my husband has under 8 months left, it's going quickly, but this past weekend has been torture, love Posie

  2. Cheryl - I'm lovin' your projects! Featured your LOVE jars on my blog yesterday.

    In your blog header you have some kind of LOVE black letters made from metal? on the wall. Do you have another image of that somewhere on your blog? It looks so cool and I'd love to see it!


  3. Hi cheryl, I'd love to see how the lesson went- I do Op art with Yr 6 too! I combine the idea with form and get the students to practice drawing spheres with tone and shadow. They then place these into an Op art background of their design. I will find the photos and place on Elle and Lou.
    i always enjoy stopping by. Lou

  4. Missing your posts, Cheryl - please come back soon!

  5. hello lovelies!! thanks so much for your lovely comments.
    Posie - thanks for the well wishes - they worked - prac was GREAT!
    Michael - lovely to see you here - and thanks so much for the feature. the LOVE letter were posted about here -
    it's still in 'proto-type' mode exactly as in the photos on that post!! *sigh*
    Lou - thanks for stopping by also - it led me back to your blog - which is fabulous. Love your lesson ideas - I'm a new followerer!
    Sally - thank you. you made me smile!!!
    I'm back......finally!!
    cheryl xox.

  6. Hi!

    Can you my son & me with an op art project? We painted chevrons on one wall of his room. When we go to the next wall, we want the lattern to go a little crazy and possibly work itself into a tunnel "out" of his room. Our sketches on paper all look very flat, with no movement. Can you help? Thanks!
    Saacnmama at hotmail dot com

  7. Your right it does make your eyes hurt. It is really fun though to look at.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.