
Wednesday 16 November 2011

cleaning fail

I mentioned yesterday that we're soon to have a visit from my in-laws.
they arrive tomorrow.
they haven't visited for over 2 years due to health issues - and they're Dutch (ie incredibly fastidious about cleanliness) - so I've gone into mega cleaning mode to try to exhume some of the piles of dust and mess that are around the house after weeks months of neglect due to university commitments - and living life with a busy family!

here's a peak of our tv in the family room which I've yet to show here in blogland.....

all nicely dusted - and I grabbed some potato-vine-flowers from the garden to pretty things up.....

here's a super close-up of eky's gorgeous clay bird she made at school last year.....

cute yes??? he sits well with my little collection of birdhouses - including the large one that once sat outside - and then later broken in the shed. (I found it recently - dusted it off - and marvelled at it's nature-made rustic-ness!!).....

and just before I took these photos - I climbed up to give the surround speakers a little dusting - 'cuz once you start looking closely around - you always find more dust around the place.........

here's a pic of one of our surround sound speakers that sit up high near the ceiling.....

that one didn't get a clean (there is in fact lots of cob-webs and dust on top -I've taken this from a more forgiving angle!) - because when I dusted the first one - this happened......

(sorry mr w. I didn't mean it!!! I was being super gentle - I promise!!)

the flippin noggin in the roof came unstuck.......

and now we have a hole (and some touch up painting to be done just for good measure!!).....

I shall try to avert my eyes from the chaos I've caused near the ceiling - and I shall carry on with making rooms look pretty-ish for the visit......

hope you're having a lovely day!

cheryl xox.


  1. Love the bird house collection :)Bummer about the speaker, shouldn't be too tricky to fix though.

  2. Ha! No fair that one simple job always creates another! Good luck with the dusting. xx

  3. My mom is obsessed with the place always being clean. It helps you feel less stressed out but I think focusing to much on keeping the place clean is stressful in of itself. It's a weird para dock.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.