
Friday 1 July 2011

little lampshades and loungeroom mantle reveal

i started writing this minutes after the last post - then blogger crashed and now it's after midnight! dang!!!

i'll do this mostly in pics and cut out the chit chat.....

here's one of two little lamps that once resided in our entrance hall.......

vintage bobbin turned into lamp with cardboard cutout shade - in need of some love!
i grabbed the shade, some fabric, scissors, glue and some tailors chalk.....
rolling the shade over the fabric i marked out and cut a new cover
i then glued it on at the seem only
and here's the finished shade!!
it's very rough - and i'd really like to get some card to remake the shade then add the fabric again - but for now it's been a super quick fix that's has brightened things up and given the little lamps some life!

so with those wee changes and my new faux glass dome i've created a 'mantle' (of sorts) on top of the tv cabinet in the loungeroom that looks like this (for now!! lol) .......

the white striped vases were a target buy many moons ago; the candles were a christmas gift from provincial (love love love that shop! -and i just went to the link and they currently have a sale - i must not buy.......); the bird is a family hand-me-down; the mirror i received just last week - on sale from ezybuy ($40 incl delivery); and in front of the bird are 3 star cookie cutters that i've had and used for many a year!!

does it look ok???? too much??? just plain crazy????
i can't figure out what style i'm trying to achieve - but this is just what worked this week!!!

we still have to make a new top for this cabinet - but as you come in and see this on entering our home - i just wanted to make it pretties!!

i would love a much larger round mirror - one day maybe - or perhaps some white plates hung either side -but for now this mirror was cheap and it works.

so - that's what i've been up too.
feeling a whole lot better - and have slowed down on the tissues and strepsils - lurgy is leaving the building (i hope!!!).
here's hoping for an even better and more productive day tomorrow. (we have friends coming to stay in just over a week - and i actually work better with a deadline.....fingers crossed we'll really get some things done!!)

cheryl xox.


  1. love coming on here and checking out the progress! The mantle looks great Cheryl! I have some of those vintage bobbins and never thought of turning them into lights. What a great idea. Did you turning them into the lights? I really admire the way you just get on with the job! The mantle really does look lovely! Glad you are feeling better too x

  2. I love the leafs on the second shade of the lamp. Really gives me more beauty.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.