
Monday 5 March 2012

my head hurts.....

the downside of the big 16th celebrations on the weekend ........  all day - I have had the headache from hell!!!

me thinks I indulged a little too much in the table of sugar I shared with you yesterday - here.

oooooooo - I'm off to grab some painkillers and then it's off to bed for me.

cheryl xox.


  1. acid look like is a hallucinogenic drug. This means that when consumed, it causes the user to have unusual experiences such as hearing sounds, seeing illusions, and feeling things that are not actually there. A drug with an extensive history of both medicinal and recreational use, LSD use does not come without risks. An acid trip can last 12 hours or more, and when it goes wrong it can go terribly wrong. This substance is common at raves, parties, and music festivals, so knowing what acid looks like and understanding the risks is imperative, especially for young adults and teenagers.

  2. The drug and alcohol detox northern california stage is the initial phase in treating liquor addiction. Withdrawal indications normally die down inside around one to about fourteen days subsequent to beginning detox; be that as it may, this could take longer relying upon the seriousness of your Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). From that point, you will actually want to zero in on different parts of the recuperation cycle, like various exercises, treatments, advising meetings, and backing choices.


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.