
Wednesday 15 February 2012

progress in the dining room....

over the last few months we have finally moved forward in the dining room. it's not finished - but we've made huge progress.

today - I reveal that it looks like this....

it used to look like this....(circa 2005)....

 ...and for a little while it looked like this....(much of 2010!)....


...yes - a very scrappy mess - piled high with the contents of our study while that room was being painted and upgraded....and no - the study is still not complete either!!!....yes - that's how we roll!!!

we painted - the same as the lounge room (as these rooms are connected) - removing the blue feature wall (yay!) - and we pulled up the carpet (it's currently raw concrete - this will be painted - possibly white) and lay down a rug.

nice change - yes?!?!

I love to walk past this room now (which happens a zillion times a day as it's the main access way between the front door/main bedroom/study to the rest of the house.

the white dots around the edges are putty patches where we pulled up the nail bits that held down the carpet. there was also a lot of glue bits to sand back from the undelay. we'd love to keep it raw concrete - but it's not in great shape - and finishing it by sanding and sealing is just too expenisve and dusty - so we'll paint. (we'd ultimatley love a wood floor - but as finances don't allow for such now - we'll get by how we can - at least the blue carpet has gone - yay!!! - well in half the room at least - you'll see what I mean in the following photos.....!)

here's some more pics.....

and here's the view back to the loungeroom......

and here's the loungeroom today.....(yes I've been playing around with the layout once more - it's an unusual room and difficult to fit it all in with a baby-grand piano - peeking at the left)....

....see - the blue carpet still exists on that side of the room!!!!!

ah - this home reno stuff is mighty slow when you have 3 children, work, uni, sport - life!!!!!

but today - I'm feeling really good at the progress we've made so far.....

hopes and dreams.......white linen slip covers for the dining chairs, new window coverings (perhaps a roman shade), some art and pictures, some kind of pendant light over the table, some larger base boards (they're tiny in the entire house) and of course the painted floor.

love this painted wood floor I found this morning on houzz (and I now have it pinned on pinterest!!)....

we'll see how adventurous I get. perhaps we'll start with white and see how we go from there!!!

will post photos when we tackle some more.

hope all is well in your world.
loads of hugz from here.
cheryl xox.


  1. Welcome back!! I luuuuurve your dining room table; it's just beautiful. Ours is similar in shape but in not nearly as nice condition, and your color is much richer and prettier. And I actually quite like the raw concrete. It really creates a nice tension with your traditional furniture. Well done!

  2. Wow, what a transformation!! Can't wait to see the floor painted. Xx PS. Love your gorgeous gnome :)

  3. Looking good Cheryl. Home renovating - it's a slow process isn't it? I often get frustrated that things aren't happening quickly enough, so I also have to stop and appreciate what I have achieved.
    Cheers Kylie x

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment so I could spend all this time reading your funny, witty and creative posts when I should be doing a load of laundry.

    Thank you so much for all the inspiration :)


    PS Love your name....had to go read that, too! :)

  5. I love the gnome!

    Congrats on making so much progress.

  6. It looks so much more lively and the room seems bigger for some reason? How did you do that? Your good.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.