
Thursday 5 January 2012

a very belated merry xmas and happy happy new year !

greetings from the house of nefotlak!!

I do hope that I still have some interested followers - it's been a long time between posts! (eek!)
starting back at work - xmas - camping holidays - having was time for me to take some time away from the blog. (hope you don't mind)

I'm back at work again this week - and I'll be working 4 days per week until the beginning of Feb. not ideal (as it's our summer holidays) - but the extra money has been a welcome addition to this household.

job/study plans are still a little in limbo - but for now I've enrolled in Uni full-time for 2012 (which starts back in early Feb) and we'll see where the year takes me.

for right now - I wanted to share the last of our xmas decoration photos from around the house.
the girls and I were very busy decorating and making over the weeks leading up to xmas - and I wanted to document that here as we had loads of fun. (other posts in the lead up to xmas can be found here)

here's our entrance table - (decorations collected over the years).....


.....and here's a little display in our lounge room.....

.....more lights in the family room.....(being summer down here - there's no worry of melting the lighting cables on the chimney!!).....

.....and some makings......loads and loads of snowflake cutouts on the windows.....

.....and awesome handmade 3D card balls.....(free templates found at this site - just print them out on card - cut them out - and put them together - fiddly - but gorgeous!!! great blog - do go visit - How About Orange).....

.....more decorating in the lounge room.....

.....and here.....

.....and most probably the worst xmas craft fail - in that it didn't get finished in time to use this year - in fact I still need to hunt down some magents to use it next year......but here's our 2012 tin advent calender (idea originally found here).....

(we also made some air-dry clay tree ornaments one day - but they never made it onto the tree. better luck next year I say!!!)

so with all the crafting - and decorating - and me working - there just wasn't time for blogging!!! sorry!!

we had to pack up and leave on 23rd December - as we spent this xmas camping with 6 other families in Victoria. I'm hoping to get some photos together for a big post on those adventures ASAP!!

I will leave you with one photo of our little holiday tree inside our pop-up caravan - a very sad and sorry version of our home tree - with a very oversized star up on top - but it was all chosen and decorated by the kids - and it fit perfectly in amoungst all the mess!!!!

I do hope you had a safe and happy xmas where ever you were.
here's to a fabulous 2012 ahead for us all.

loads of hugz from here.
cheryl xox.