
Wednesday 21 September 2011

shout outs, thank yous and followings

after a frenzy of crafty posts last week and lots of linking to linky parties - i just wanted to shout out to a few lovely peeps for the many extra visitors i've had popping past here this past week.

firstly - thank you to all those that popped past and left a comment - and some of you are new followers - yay!!
seriously - a huge thank you. i know everyone is busy - and i do really appreciate the time commenting takes.
i'm honoured that you would take the time to leave me a little piece of you.
but thanks also to the stalkers !! those that always pop in quietly - have a little read - then move on for the day.
all are welcome here!

thank you also to those that liked my new nefotlak. facebook page.
when i checked my stats - i've had literally hundreds of visitors from facebook within a 24 hour span - most from hungary!! yes...hungary! odd - but lovely all the same.
hi to all those that visit from far far away! when i see those stats it makes the world seem a little closer.

special thanks to all those that have featured some of my many projects - i'm humbled and thrilled that you liked something of mine that much. i've started adding featured buttons to the top tab (titled featured) of all those blogs that my projects have been featured on (click on each button and it will take you to the blog - clever techno thing - yes?!!!). if you haven't checked it out - go - now.....i'll wait............

.....but in case you're too busy - here's the lovelys that have me featured already  (if i've missed anyone - please let me know) .......


Polka Dot Bungalow


another special thanks to the lovely lousie from table tonic....

louise included this here little blog in her weekly bookmark worthy sites she's recently discovered. *blush* - i'm tickled pink about that inclusion - thank you louise.

oh - and some news - i'm going to start a weekly blog share thursday - on thursday's obviously  (i'll try to keep to that schedule - eek!) - where i'll feature a blog (just one blog) that i really like - 'cuz i want to share the love around abit!!! be sure to tune in tomorrow for that exciting feature!!!!!! (now i've added pressure on myself to the mix!!)

i do have some more makings to blog about - uni has just caught up on me - and i really need to get some assignments done. which is really hard when there are so so so many wonderful blog posts out there to keep up with!!!
i'd much rather be crafting and blogging!!!

hope you're having a great week.
cheryl xox.

1 comment:

  1. You should link up with us on Wednesday. I'm a new follower, love your blog. Also, liked you on facebook. Can't wait to see to more and love the featured Thursday. Great idea!


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.