
Thursday 1 September 2011

lounge room - floor lamp upgrade

happy spring to all my southern hemisphere readers!!
so so so glad that we're seeing the end of that cold winter. my bones need warming.

with the arrival of spring - and some good news received today about goob (she's been selected in an under 17's rep canberra netball team for the upcoming state league games - woot from this proud mumma!!!!!) - i got my ass out from behind the computer and actually did some house stuff!!

behold our loungeroom floor lamp after months of tweaking with it........

it used to look like this..... (not great actual lamp photos - but hopefully you'll get the idea).....

lamp and shade originally from freedom many many moons ago!! i was bored with it and needed a zero/low cost makeover.

details on the shade.....

i ripped some strips from some white fabric i had in my stash - cutting a little notch in the side of the fabric and ripping straight across - then i tied the strips straight onto the shade (no glue - no sewing - easy!!!!!!)

here's some photos of the was one evening - and i just kept ripping strips and tying them on.....

originally i had planned to have the ties at the back - but i then turned it around and liked the effect of all the messy ties - they became the feature!!

i then added on two black strips for some fun - but as i'm one of those annoying people with perhaps some undiagnosed adhd - i decided to remove the black today - but here's how it looked yesterday!!!

here's some closeups of the shade.....

and here's a peek on the inside to show that the ties do bend the shade in slightly where the knots are - but from the outside you really can't see it.....

so that's the shade.....

now... details on the base

we had the wire already  - bless my husband for keeping absolutely everything!!!
i don't have actual photos of the making of the wire base - as i was alone and struggling to tame the wire without taking out an eye - note: do this with help if you are thinking of doing something similar!!

here's one arm after this diy event.....

there was only the wire involved - no glue - no re-wiring of the lamp - just rolling it up as tight as i could (by myself) - then twisting some of the wire ends to hold it together.....

close-up of one of the twisted ends.....

to put it in place - i took off the shade - then just 'threaded' it onto the base - it just sits in place.....

so that's our new/old lamp.......i am loving the changes.... here it is this evening all lit up......i've been staring at it all evening (i love it when a plan finally comes together!!).....

maybe there could be some ceiling fixtures in a similar fashion with the wire.....mmmm - i'm thinking!!!

to show you how my brain works.......for over a month now this lamp had the shade done - but i was messing about with some ideas for the base - including some toilet rolls and cardboard cut outs.....

but it wasn't working for me - and today i just had to change it up one last time.

and apart from that - i've also been painting some furniture......but more on that another day.

hope your day has been productive - or at the very least pleasant!!
thanks for dropping in.

hugz from here.
cheryl xox.

linking up with.....

36th Avenue

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!


The DIY Show Off


  1. Am LOVING that lampshade. Off to Pin it to my Pinterest account :) Yup, love it that much with smiles

    Visiting from Designer Garden's VIP Linky Party today!

    Suzanne in NW Illinois

  2. This is so clever and I totally LOVE it! I just might have to do this to every lampshade in my house! It's gorgeous!

  3. What a great idea. If you get a chance I would love you to link your lamp up to More the Merrier Monday. It starts tonight and lasts through Wednesday. See you there.

  4. I seriously love this lamp!! The details on the shade are great, and I'm glad you made it the focal point!! I featured this on my blog today!!

  5. Fabulous lights! Nice work! Thanks for doing this blog. I love how lighting can change the entire appearance of a room! Amazing!!!


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.