
Friday 23 September 2011

food - easy cinnamon scrolls

yes - i'm delving into the food blogging realm!! be very very afraid!!!

behold - super yum and easy cinnamon scrolls.......

i found this recipe yesterday - made them that afternoon - took some photos of the makings. (still trying to get the mess out of the's very hard to make food and take photos at the same time - let me give you the drum!!!!)

i won't tell you the recipe - it's here - go get it - it's so simple - so easy - so bloody yum - you must give it a try!!!!
thank you mel from one crafty mumma! - my children and i love you!!!!

here's our photo evidence of the occasion..........(goob was there - making up the icing - but because of  teenager angst - refused to be part of the photos!!!!).....*sigh*.....

that first batch didn't last until the evening. (....many didn't even make it to that plate.....!)
gone. in a flash. (luckily i managed to save a couple for the dear husband)

we made a second batch up fast for the lunchboxes in the morning.
they were definitely a huge hit - and we'll be making them - often.

a reminder - click here for the recipe.

i'll leave you once more with the mouth watering picture - yes i'm cruel - but you love me - i know it!!!.....

you're welcome!

have a super fantastic amazing friday.

hugz from me.
cheryl xox.


  1. Yum, I might have to give these a try! Thanks for visiting.

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed the scroll recipe! I'm wishing that I had some now, after seeing your lovely photos. You have the cutest family too :)
    Mel xo

  3. She may not have been part of the photos but I'm sure she was part of the eating of the cinnamon rolls.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.