
Thursday 18 August 2011

goob's room - gallery wall details (1 of 2 posts)

thanks for all the lovely comments on goob's gallery wall.

here's the details on the wall as promised - for those that might be interested.

i've broken the wall into two parts - this post is about the top section -

item # 1

this frame was originally a very cheap black vinyl covered frame with glass - no matt.

the keys - i've had a bunch of old keys for a long time (you can pick them up on ebay etc) - goob requested to have some on her wall - i'm a nice mum - so i said ok!!!

1. remove glass from frame (i left this frame finished with no glass)
2. glue fabric (or paper) to the sturdy piece of card (the same size as the piece of paper that comes inside the frame) & allow to dry.
3. arrange keys on fabric - then pierce small hols with a sharp knife either side of the key - and thread thin wire to hold the key in place - twisting at the rear to keep firm.

here is a closeup - you can just see the black thin wire i used.....

i then rubbed and buffed on silver leaf over the frame (i've posted about using this before here) ......

when dry - i put the frame back together - minus the glass - and hung on wall.

item # 2

the classic button letter!!
the best tutorial i found on this technique is here - i found it to be very easy to follow and clear.

i just used Microsoft Word to work out the font and size of the letter i wanted - then made the letter showing just the outline (to save on ink) - printed it out on paper then carefully cut it out.

here are some pics of the process.....
playing around with button placement - then moving to a clear locaation to start the gluing
started on one section on the g - then just kept adding layers and glued as i went
once on the wall - you don't even notice that there is a letter cutout underneath the buttons - but it does help to define the letter better. i like it!!!

i also left the glass off this frame due to the height of the buttons.
i used the glue cun to attached the blue paper to some card before putting it in the frame.

item # 3

this one was a former gift from a friend to goob many years before - and it looked like this.....

1. 'gems' removed
2. painted on sides and edges with black paint.
3. painted on sides and edges with white paint.
4. paper was stuck to the top of the letter with mod podge.
5. light sanding along edges with fine sandpaper (including along the edge of the paper).
6. glaze and brown paint mix painted over top and sides - and wiped off gently with tissue. (just to age the finish a little)
7. 3 x coats of matte varnish added to finish it off.

item # 4

that's us - the nefotlak family!!!

essentially this was a cheap brown laminated frame rubbed over with that magic silver leaf i mentioned above (for item # 1). love love love that stuff!!

here's a close up of us.....(photo taken at a 50th b'day bash we attended last year).....

item # 5

this is the pictrue/frame that started this whole gallery wall.
this used to always be on this wall - all by itself and lonely!!

it is an original lithograph which was given to goob for her christening in 1996 - framed and all - i have not touched this frame - it's exactly how it was received!!!

the artist.....i believe is an australian - although i know nothing about her.....

the picture i find kind of odd - but i think it's a very clever christening present (instead of all the trinkets one mostly gets) - as it's far more useful into goob's older years than most of her other gifts!
she's got some real art!!!

anyhoo that's my thoughts.

so that's the gallery wall tour for now - i will be back to share the nitty-gritty about the lower half soon - i promise.

yay - tomorrow is friday!!! sweeet!!!!
cheryl xox. 


  1. this is a lovely gallery wall Cheryl, lots of wonderful are very clever
    Enjoy your w-end (hope the weather is not too bad there, here it's miserable!)
    Claudia xo

  2. Wow very generous of you to share all that. Looks great.

  3. You work so hard on Goob's room. I hope she appropriates it. I'm sure she does. It just seems almost exhausting sometimes all the effort you put in for her. You do love her though.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.