
Wednesday 13 April 2011

lounge room makeover

i can finally reveal our new lounge room - i'm so so so so excited with the upgrades, and i'm just LOVING our new room.

firstly - here's a pic from the previous owners of our house - pre 2003......

yellow paint (used throughout the ENTIRE house - ugh!) and blue carpet (used almost through the entire house - and it's that type of carpet that shows which way you vacuum - again ugh!!).

here's a series of photos of how the room has looked since we've been living here 2003-present.....

sadly - I was a fan of the 'feature wall' - i don't know why - i plead insanity - but it worked at the time.
the lounge we bought soon after we were married. very 'aztec' in design - king furniture - awesome steel 'bones'.
we figured we'd upgrade the covers one day - but that was going to cost $2000 per lounge for leather - so decided it was easier just to wait and buy a new lounge when we had enough money.

so.......drum's the reveal.......(wall painted last weekend - photos taken today).......and molly managed to sneek into the mix!!......


so - remember that large cabinet in the first few photos (before the makeover) - it was purchased from freedom furniture way back when we first were married. it originally had a pull down desk and it stored our 'home office' including computer etc when we lived in our first smaller home. it later served as our tv cabinet and general storage thingy.

the clever part of the cabinet - it came in two parts for easier moving!!
so one night, i came up with the idea of splitting it (as i felt the high dark cabinet was too much for the room visually) -  and painting it white to blend in more with the room.
i LOVE it. so so so so so pleased with the outcome.
and - we now don't have to buy something to replace it - as we need the storage around here.
we have to add a top to each of the units (they'll be painted white also) - as the smaller unit was the bottom of the big cabinet - and the larger unit was the top (I've turned it upside down!!)
here's some close-up pics of how it turned out.........

there is still some things i want to do. the carpet really has to go (really really really). however - as i've recently gone back to studying full-time, and we've lost all that precious income - we can't afford some fancy new floor.
we recently pulled up the carpet in our study makeover (a post will come on that one shortly) - and we painted the concrete floor.
it looks amazing. thinking we'll do the same thing here.

also i want to put some things on the main wall (again - i have some ideas i'll blog about another time) and i definately need some more cushions and a large white fluffy rug!!

but for now i'm absolutely loving the changes. what do you think?? does it all look o.k. so far????

here's a few details in case anyone is slightly interested......

new lounge - king furniture 'delta' in dark brown leather. i lusted after this lounge for many years - now we've finally got one!! it comes in peices and is so so changeable - which is great for people like me who love to move the room around - and often!! (it even turns into a bed if needed!)
wall paint - dulux 'antique white u.s.a.' i was worried it wouldn't look 'white enough' for the look i wanted (it's what we painted the non-feature walls previously). however, with the white cabinets etc - i'm liking how it's looking.
trim paint - haven't done this's on the ever increasing 'to do'list.
cupboard paint prep - zinsser 'bulls-eye 1-2-3' - this stuff is amazing - i put it straight on without sanding. i know - i probably should sand - but i'm a busy mother and that's just how it is!! i've used it before on other stained and varnished furniture and it's worked a treat.
cupboard paint top-coat - dulux lexicon quarter strength - semi gloss. loving how white this paint comes up.
white quilt on lounge - ikea
large photo canvas of bondi beach - matt lauder photography - mr w. and i met and fell in love in bondi - even moved in together in an apartment looking straight over the beach. simply amazing part of the world.
piano - yamaha mid grand - mum bought this when i was 2!! it needs some major upgrades as it's getting very old and has travelled extensively in many moves - but for now we don't have the extra money for the fixes and it still sounds ok to me!!!
coffee table (under the tv) - solid american walnut - specially hand made by friend - i just love the grain. we're hoping to put the tv up on a braket on the wall so the table can be pulled out when needed.
blinds - freedom  - off white - stocked standard item - luckily they are standard sized windows. we are hoping to have a builder take out the windows and the middle wall section, and place in a beam (as it's a load bearing wall) and put in some stacker sliding doors. this will then lead straight out onto our new pool. but - again with the lack of funds - it's something that will have to wait......keep watching this space!!!!

if you want details of anything else - just let me know.

oh - and i can't show you how the dining room looks all upgraded - because it's not just yet!!
it has become our storage area (together with our poor garage) while we upgrade various rooms - so it's currently holding masses of stuff from the office - and new bedroom furniture. but here's a peak of the mess.........(cringe).......

mrs c. xox


  1. Looking very classy Mrs C. Like ;)

  2. thankyou lovely jocelyn!!
    so very nice of you to stop by and leave a comment.
    you are the very first visitor to leave a comment.
    no prize - but you have my love and admiration for all time!!! (lucky you!!!) :)
    see you around the netball courts!!
    thank you.
    mrs c. xox


thanks so much for dropping by - don't be shy to shout out hi!!
(i'm a poet and i didn't know it - ha.......sorry!!)
cheryl xox.